用户 发表于 2024-1-3 17:55:00

转让索尼单反A7Riii $1999 实价 I only used once last year at hawaii You can check shutt

转让索尼单反A7Riii $1999 实价
I only used once last year at hawaii
You can check shutter about 350 pictures
Like new excellent conditions.

Zeiss 24-70full zoom lens, 170 megabits per second professional shooting 4K video, 256 g
Three batteries, one seat charger
With safebag

Lens and accessories Cost me about $1400
Cash only price is firm NON offers contact please
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查看完整版本: 转让索尼单反A7Riii $1999 实价 I only used once last year at hawaii You can check shutt